Displaying similar documents to “Wavelets and prediction in time series”

Construction of Non-MSF Non-MRA Wavelets for L²(ℝ) and H²(ℝ) from MSF Wavelets

Aparna Vyas (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Considering symmetric wavelet sets consisting of four intervals, a class of non-MSF non-MRA wavelets for L²(ℝ) and dilation 2 is obtained. In addition, we obtain a family of non-MSF non-MRA H²-wavelets which includes the one given by Behera [Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 52 (2004), 169-178].

Application of the Haar wavelet method for solution the problems of mathematical calculus

Ü. Lepik, H. Hein (2015)

Waves, Wavelets and Fractals


In recent times the wavelet methods have obtained a great popularity for solving differential and integral equations. From different wavelet families we consider here the Haar wavelets. Since the Haar wavelets are mathematically most simple to be compared with other wavelets, then interest to them is rapidly increasing and there is a great number of papers,where thesewavelets are used tor solving problems of calculus. An overview of such works can be found in the survey paper by Hariharan...

Dimension functions, scaling sequences, and wavelet sets

Arambašić Ljiljana, Damir Bakić, Rajna Rajić (2010)

Studia Mathematica


The paper is a continuation of our study of dimension functions of orthonormal wavelets on the real line with dyadic dilations. The main result of Section 2 is Theorem 2.8 which provides an explicit reconstruction of the underlying generalized multiresolution analysis for any MSF wavelet. In Section 3 we reobtain a result of Bownik, Rzeszotnik and Speegle which states that for each dimension function D there exists an MSF wavelet whose dimension function coincides with D. Our method...

Non-MSF Wavelets for the Hardy Space H²(ℝ)

Biswaranjan Behera (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


All wavelets constructed so far for the Hardy space H²(ℝ) are MSF wavelets. We construct a family of H²-wavelets which are not MSF. An equivalence relation on H²-wavelets is introduced and it is shown that the corresponding equivalence classes are non-empty. Finally, we construct a family of H²-wavelets with Fourier transform not vanishing in any neighbourhood of the origin.

Recent developments in wavelet methods for the solution of PDE's

Silvia Bertoluzza (2005)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


After reviewing some of the properties of wavelet bases, and in particular the property of characterisation of function spaces via wavelet coefficients, we describe two new approaches to, respectively, stabilisation of numerically unstable PDE's and to non linear (adaptive) solution of PDE's, which are made possible by these properties.

Wavelet transform and binary coalescence detection

Jean-Michel Innocent, Bruno Torrésani (1997)

Banach Center Publications


We give a short account of some time-frequency methods which are relevant in the context of gravity waves detection. We focus on the case of wavelet analysis which we believe is particularly appropriate. We show how wavelet transforms can lead to efficient algorithms for detection and parameter estimation of binary coalescence signals. In addition, we give in an appendix some of the ingredients needed for the construction of discrete wavelet decompositions and corresponding fast algorithms. ...