Displaying similar documents to “A Simpler Proof of the Negative Association Property for Absolute Values of Measures Tied to Generalized Orlicz Balls”

On the distribution of random variables corresponding to Musielak-Orlicz norms

David Alonso-Gutiérrez, Sören Christensen, Markus Passenbrunner, Joscha Prochno (2013)

Studia Mathematica


Given a normalized Orlicz function M we provide an easy formula for a distribution such that, if X is a random variable distributed accordingly and X₁,...,Xₙ are independent copies of X, then 1 / C p | | x | | M | | ( x i X i ) i = 1 | | p C p | | x | | M , where C p is a positive constant depending only on p. In case p = 2 we need the function t ↦ tM’(t) - M(t) to be 2-concave and as an application immediately obtain an embedding of the corresponding Orlicz spaces into L₁[0,1]. We also provide a general result replacing the p -norm by an arbitrary...

Fenchel-Orlicz spaces

Barry Turett


CONTENTSIntroduction............................................................................... 51. Definitions and preliminary results......................................... 72. Completeness of L Φ ( μ , ) .............................. 93. Linear functionals on L Φ ( μ , ) ....................... 264. Geometry of Fenchel-Orlicz spaces........................................ 41References....................................................................................... 54

Geometry of Orlicz spaces

Chen Shutao


CONTENTSPreface..............................................................................................................................4Introduction........................................................................................................................51. Orlicz spaces..................................................................................................................6 1.1. Orlicz functions...........................................................................................................6 1.2....

On some properties for dual spaces of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces

Zenon Zbąszyniak (2011)

Banach Center Publications


We will present relationships between the modular ρ* and the norm in the dual spaces ( L Φ ) * in the case when a Musielak-Orlicz space L Φ is equipped with the Orlicz norm. Moreover, criteria for extreme points of the unit sphere of the dual space ( L Φ ) * will be presented.

An operator characterization of L p -spaces in a class of Orlicz spaces

Maciej Burnecki (2008)

Banach Center Publications


We consider an embedding of the group of invertible transformations of [0,1] into the algebra of bounded linear operators on an Orlicz space. We show that if this embedding preserves the group action then the Orlicz space is an L p -space for some 1 ≤ p < ∞.

Reflexive subspaces of some Orlicz spaces

Emmanuelle Lavergne (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We show that when the conjugate of an Orlicz function ϕ satisfies the growth condition Δ⁰, then the reflexive subspaces of L ϕ are closed in the L¹-norm. For that purpose, we use (and give a new proof of) a result of J. Alexopoulos saying that weakly compact subsets of such L ϕ have equi-absolutely continuous norm.

Some approximation results in Musielak-Orlicz spaces

Ahmed Youssfi, Youssef Ahmida (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We prove the continuity in norm of the translation operator in the Musielak-Orlicz L M spaces. An application to the convergence in norm of approximate identities is given, whereby we prove density results of the smooth functions in L M , in both the modular and norm topologies. These density results are then applied to obtain basic topological properties.

An inequality in Orlicz function spaces with Orlicz norm

Jin Cai Wang (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We use Simonenko quantitative indices of an 𝒩 -function Φ to estimate two parameters q Φ and Q Φ in Orlicz function spaces L Φ [ 0 , ) with Orlicz norm, and get the following inequality: B Φ B Φ - 1 q Φ Q Φ A Φ A φ - 1 , where A Φ and B Φ are Simonenko indices. A similar inequality is obtained in L Φ [ 0 , 1 ] with Orlicz norm.

Calderón couples of rearrangement invariant spaces

N. Kalton (1993)

Studia Mathematica


We examine conditions under which a pair of rearrangement invariant function spaces on [0,1] or [0,∞) form a Calderón couple. A very general criterion is developed to determine whether such a pair is a Calderón couple, with numerous applications. We give, for example, a complete classification of those spaces X which form a Calderón couple with L . We specialize our results to Orlicz spaces and are able to give necessary and sufficient conditions on an Orlicz function F so that the pair...

Decomposable sets and Musielak-Orlicz spaces of multifunctions

Andrzej Kasperski (2005)

Banach Center Publications


We introduce the Musielak-Orlicz space of multifunctions X m , φ and the set S F φ of φ-integrable selections of F. We show that some decomposable sets in Musielak-Orlicz space belong to X m , φ . We generalize Theorem 3.1 from [6]. Also, we get some theorems on the space X m , φ and the set S F φ .

Nonlinear unilateral problems in Orlicz spaces

L. Aharouch, E. Azroul, M. Rhoudaf (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae


We prove the existence of solutions of the unilateral problem for equations of the type Au - divϕ(u) = μ in Orlicz spaces, where A is a Leray-Lions operator defined on ( A ) W ¹ L M ( Ω ) , μ L ¹ ( Ω ) + W - 1 E M ̅ ( Ω ) and ϕ C ( , N ) .

Dual spaces to Orlicz-Lorentz spaces

Anna Kamińska, Karol Leśnik, Yves Raynaud (2014)

Studia Mathematica


For an Orlicz function φ and a decreasing weight w, two intrinsic exact descriptions are presented for the norm in the Köthe dual of the Orlicz-Lorentz function space Λ φ , w or the sequence space λ φ , w , equipped with either the Luxemburg or Amemiya norms. The first description is via the modular i n f φ ( f * / | g | ) | g | : g w , where f* is the decreasing rearrangement of f, ≺ denotes submajorization, and φ⁎ is the complementary function to φ. The second description is in terms of the modular I φ ( ( f * ) / w ) w ,where (f*)⁰ is Halperin’s level...

On certain porous sets in the Orlicz space of a locally compact group

Ibrahim Akbarbaglu, Saeid Maghsoudi (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let G be a locally compact group with a fixed left Haar measure. Given Young functions φ and ψ, we consider the Orlicz spaces L φ ( G ) and L ψ ( G ) on a non-unimodular group G, and, among other things, we prove that under mild conditions on φ and ψ, the set ( f , g ) L φ ( G ) × L ψ ( G ) : f * g is well defined on G is σ-c-lower porous in L φ ( G ) × L ψ ( G ) . This answers a question raised by Głąb and Strobin in 2010 in a more general setting of Orlicz spaces. We also prove a similar result for non-compact locally compact groups.

Musielak-Orlicz spaces and prediction problems

Kazimierz Urbanik (2004)

Banach Center Publications


By a harmonizable sequence of random variables we mean the sequence of Fourier coefficients of a random measure M: X ( M ) = 0 1 e 2 π n i s M ( d s ) (n = 0,±1,...) The paper deals with prediction problems for sequences Xₙ(M) for isotropic and atomless random measures M. The crucial result asserts that the space of all complex-valued M-integrable functions on the unit interval is a Musielak-Orlicz space. Hence it follows that the problem for Xₙ(M) (n = 0,±1,...) to be deterministic is in fact an extremal problem of...

Complex Convexity of Orlicz-Lorentz Spaces and its Applications

Changsun Choi, Anna Kamińska, Han Ju Lee (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We give sufficient and necessary conditions for complex extreme points of the unit ball of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces, as well as we find criteria for the complex rotundity and uniform complex rotundity of these spaces. As an application we show that the set of norm-attaining operators is dense in the space of bounded linear operators from d * ( w , 1 ) into d(w,1), where d * ( w , 1 ) is a predual of a complex Lorentz sequence space d(w,1), if and only if wi ∈ c₀∖ℓ₂.

On the k-convexity of the Besicovitch-Orlicz space of almost periodic functions with the Orlicz norm

Fazia Bedouhene, Mohamed Morsli (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Boulahia and the present authors introduced the Orlicz norm in the class B ϕ -a.p. of Besicovitch-Orlicz almost periodic functions and gave several formulas for it; they also characterized the reflexivity of this space [Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 43 (2002)]. In the present paper, we consider the problem of k-convexity of B ϕ -a.p. with respect to the Orlicz norm; we give necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of strict convexity and reflexivity.

Copies of l 1 and c o in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces

Ghassan Alherk, Henryk Hudzik (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Criteria in order that a Musielak-Orlicz sequence space l Φ contains an isomorphic as well as an isomorphically isometric copy of l 1 are given. Moreover, it is proved that if Φ = ( Φ i ) , where Φ i are defined on a Banach space, X does not satisfy the δ 2 o -condition, then the Musielak-Orlicz sequence space l Φ ( X ) of X -valued sequences contains an almost isometric copy of c o . In the case of X = I R it is proved also that if l Φ contains an isomorphic copy of c o , then Φ does not satisfy the δ 2 o -condition. These results...