Displaying similar documents to “Bergman coordinates”

Bergman completeness of Zalcman type domains

Piotr Jucha (2004)

Studia Mathematica


We give an equivalent condition for Bergman completeness of Zalcman type domains. This also solves a problem stated by Pflug.

The Bergman kernel functions of certain unbounded domains

Friedrich Haslinger (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We compute the Bergman kernel functions of the unbounded domains Ω p = ( z ' , z ) ² : z > p ( z ' ) , where p ( z ' ) = | z ' | α / α . It is also shown that these kernel functions have no zeros in Ω p . We use a method from harmonic analysis to reduce the computation of the 2-dimensional case to the problem of finding the kernel function of a weighted space of entire functions in one complex variable.

Estimates for the Bergman kernel and metric of convex domains in ℂⁿ

Nikolai Nikolov, Peter Pflug (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Sharp geometrical lower and upper estimates are obtained for the Bergman kernel on the diagonal of a convex domain D ⊂ ℂⁿ which does not contain complex lines. It is also proved that the ratio of the Bergman and Carathéodory metrics of D does not exceed a constant depending only on n.