Displaying similar documents to “On countable cofinality and decomposition of definable thin orderings”

Counting models of set theory

Ali Enayat (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let T denote a completion of ZF. We are interested in the number μ(T) of isomorphism types of countable well-founded models of T. Given any countable order type τ, we are also interested in the number μ(T,τ) of isomorphism types of countable models of T whose ordinals have order type τ. We prove: (1) Suppose ZFC has an uncountable well-founded model and κ ω , , 2 . There is some completion T of ZF such that μ(T) = κ. (2) If α <ω₁ and μ(T,α) > ℵ₀, then μ ( T , α ) = 2 . (3) If α < ω₁ and T ⊢ V ≠ OD,...

Constructibility in Ackermann's set theory

C. Alkor


CONTENTSIntroduction......................... 5Section I. Preliminaries............ 6 § 1. Notation..................... 6 § 2. Ackermann’s set theory and some extensions................. 7 § 3. Absoluteness............................................... 8 § 4. Ordinals................................................... 9 § 5. Reflection principles...................................... 10Section 2. The usual notion of constructibility.............. 11 § 1. General considerations about...

Provident sets and rudimentary set forcing

A. R. D. Mathias (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Using the theory of rudimentary recursion and provident sets expounded in [MB], we give a treatment of set forcing appropriate for working over models of a theory PROVI which may plausibly claim to be the weakest set theory supporting a smooth theory of set forcing, and of which the minimal model is Jensen’s J ω . Much of the development is rudimentary or at worst given by rudimentary recursions with parameter the notion of forcing under consideration. Our development eschews the power...

Compact scattered spaces in forcing extensions

Kenneth Kunen (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We consider the cardinal sequences of compact scattered spaces in models where CH is false. We describe a number of models of 2 = in which no such space can have ℵ₂ countable levels.

The number of L κ -equivalent nonisomorphic models for κ weakly compact

Saharon Shelah, Pauli Vaisanen (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For a cardinal κ and a model M of cardinality κ let No(M) denote the number of nonisomorphic models of cardinality κ which are L , κ -equivalent to M. We prove that for κ a weakly compact cardinal, the question of the possible values of No(M) for models M of cardinality κ is equivalent to the question of the possible numbers of equivalence classes of equivalence relations which are Σ¹₁-definable over V κ . By [SV] it is possible to have a generic extension where the possible numbers of equivalence...

A Hanf number for saturation and omission

John T. Baldwin, Saharon Shelah (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Suppose t = (T,T₁,p) is a triple of two countable theories T ⊆ T₁ in vocabularies τ ⊂ τ₁ and a τ₁-type p over the empty set. We show that the Hanf number for the property ’there is a model M₁ of T₁ which omits p, but M₁ ↾ τ is saturated’ is essentially equal to the Löwenheim number of second order logic. In Section 4 we make exact computations of these Hanf numbers and note some distinctions between ’first order’ and ’second order quantification’. In particular, we show that if κ is...

L-like Combinatorial Principles and Level by Level Equivalence

Arthur W. Apter (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We force and construct a model in which GCH and level by level equivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness hold, along with certain additional “L-like” combinatorial principles. In particular, this model satisfies the following properties: (1) δ holds for every successor and Mahlo cardinal δ. (2) There is a stationary subset S of the least supercompact cardinal κ₀ such that for every δ ∈ S, δ holds and δ carries a gap 1 morass. (3) A weak version of δ holds for every...

Embedding orders into the cardinals with D C κ

Asaf Karagila (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Jech proved that every partially ordered set can be embedded into the cardinals of some model of ZF. We extend this result to show that every partially ordered set can be embedded into the cardinals of some model of Z F + D C < κ for any regular κ. We use this theorem to show that for all κ, the assumption of D C κ does not entail that there are no decreasing chains of cardinals. We also show how to extend the result to and embed into the cardinals a proper class which is definable over the ground model....

Characterizing the powerset by a complete (Scott) sentence

Ioannis Souldatos (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


This paper is part II of a study on cardinals that are characterizable by a Scott sentence, continuing previous work of the author. A cardinal κ is characterized by a Scott sentence ϕ if ϕ has a model of size κ, but no model of size κ⁺. The main question in this paper is the following: Are the characterizable cardinals closed under the powerset operation? We prove that if β is characterized by a Scott sentence, then 2 β + β is (homogeneously) characterized by a Scott sentence, for all 0 <...

Existentially closed II₁ factors

Ilijas Farah, Isaac Goldbring, Bradd Hart, David Sherman (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We examine the properties of existentially closed ( ω -embeddable) II₁ factors. In particular, we use the fact that every automorphism of an existentially closed ( ω -embeddable) II₁ factor is approximately inner to prove that Th() is not model-complete. We also show that Th() is complete for both finite and infinite forcing and use the latter result to prove that there exist continuum many nonisomorphic existentially closed models of Th().

Quantifier elimination, valuation property and preparation theorem in quasianalytic geometry via transformation to normal crossings

Krzysztof Jan Nowak (2009)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


This paper investigates the geometry of the expansion Q of the real field ℝ by restricted quasianalytic functions. The main purpose is to establish quantifier elimination, description of definable functions by terms, the valuation property and preparation theorem (in the sense of Parusiński-Lion-Rolin). To this end, we study non-standard models of the universal diagram T of Q in the language ℒ augmented by the names of rational powers. Our approach makes no appeal to the Weierstrass...

CH and the Sacks property

S. Quickert (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show the consistency of CH and the statement “no ccc forcing has the Sacks property” and derive some consequences for ccc ω ω -bounding forcing notions.

When is 𝐍 Lindelöf?

Horst Herrlich, George E. Strecker (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Theorem. In ZF (i.e., Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory without the axiom of choice) the following conditions are equivalent: (1) is a Lindelöf space, (2) is a Lindelöf space, (3) is a Lindelöf space, (4) every topological space with a countable base is a Lindelöf space, (5) every subspace of is separable, (6) in , a point x is in the closure of a set A iff there exists a sequence in A that converges to x , (7) a function f : is continuous at a point x iff f is sequentially continuous...

On the structure of the set of higher order spreading models

Bünyamin Sarı, Konstantinos Tyros (2014)

Studia Mathematica


We generalize some results concerning the classical notion of a spreading model to spreading models of order ξ. Among other results, we prove that the set S M ξ w ( X ) of ξ-order spreading models of a Banach space X generated by subordinated weakly null ℱ-sequences endowed with the pre-partial order of domination is a semilattice. Moreover, if S M ξ w ( X ) contains an increasing sequence of length ω then it contains an increasing sequence of length ω₁. Finally, if S M ξ w ( X ) is uncountable, then it contains an antichain...

The gap between I₃ and the wholeness axiom

Paul Corazza (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


∃κI₃(κ) is the assertion that there is an elementary embedding i : V λ V λ with critical point below λ, and with λ a limit. The Wholeness Axiom, or WA, asserts that there is a nontrivial elementary embedding j: V → V; WA is formulated in the language ∈,j and has as axioms an Elementarity schema, which asserts that j is elementary; a Critical Point axiom, which asserts that there is a least ordinal moved by j; and includes every instance of the Separation schema for j-formulas. Because no instance...

Set theories incorporating Hilbert's ε-symbol

T. B. Flannagan


CONTENTS§ 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 5§ 2. The ε-calculus for є............................................................................................ 6§ 3. Reflection principles in e-set theories.............................................................. 6§ 4. [E]-elementary chains.......................................................................................... 11§ 5. Forcing...

Generic extensions of models of ZFC

Lev Bukovský (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The paper contains a self-contained alternative proof of my Theorem in Characterization of generic extensions of models of set theory, Fund. Math. 83 (1973), 35–46, saying that for models M N of ZFC with same ordinals, the condition A p r M , N ( κ ) implies that N is a κ -C.C. generic extension of M .

Locally Σ₁-definable well-orders of H(κ⁺)

Peter Holy, Philipp Lücke (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Given an uncountable cardinal κ with κ = κ < κ and 2 κ regular, we show that there is a forcing that preserves cofinalities less than or equal to 2 κ and forces the existence of a well-order of H(κ⁺) that is definable over ⟨H(κ⁺),∈⟩ by a Σ₁-formula with parameters. This shows that, in contrast to the case "κ = ω", the existence of a locally definable well-order of H(κ⁺) of low complexity is consistent with failures of the GCH at κ. We also show that the forcing mentioned above introduces a Bernstein...

Ordinal indices and Ramsey dichotomies measuring c₀-content and semibounded completeness

Vassiliki Farmaki (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study the c₀-content of a seminormalized basic sequence (χₙ) in a Banach space, by the use of ordinal indices (taking values up to ω₁) that determine dichotomies at every ordinal stage, based on the Ramsey-type principle for every countable ordinal, obtained earlier by the author. We introduce two such indices, the c₀-index ξ ( χ ) and the semibounded completeness index ξ b ( χ ) , and we examine their relationship. The countable ordinal values that these indices can take are always of the form...

P-NDOP and P-decompositions of ϵ -saturated models of superstable theories

Saharon Shelah, Michael C. Laskowski (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Given a complete, superstable theory, we distinguish a class P of regular types, typically closed under automorphisms of ℭ and non-orthogonality. We define the notion of P-NDOP, which is a weakening of NDOP. For superstable theories with P-NDOP, we prove the existence of P-decompositions and derive an analog of the first author's result in Israel J. Math. 140 (2004). In this context, we also find a sufficient condition on P-decompositions that implies non-isomorphic models. For this,...

Uncountable cardinals have the same monadic ∀₁¹ positive theory over large sets

Athanassios Tzouvaras (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that uncountable cardinals are indistinguishable by sentences of the monadic second-order language of order of the form (∀X)ϕ(X) and (∃X)ϕ(X), for ϕ positive in X and containing no set-quantifiers, when the set variables range over large (= cofinal) subsets of the cardinals. This strengthens the result of Doner-Mostowski-Tarski [3] that (κ,∈), (λ,∈) are elementarily equivalent when κ, λ are uncountable. It follows that we can consistently postulate that the structures ( 2 κ , [ 2 κ ] > κ , < ) , ( 2 λ , [ 2 λ ] > λ , < ) are...

On the Set-Theoretic Strength of Countable Compactness of the Tychonoff Product 2

Eleftherios Tachtsis (2010)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


We work in ZF set theory (i.e., Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory minus the Axiom of Choice AC) and show the following: 1. The Axiom of Choice for well-ordered families of non-empty sets ( A C W O ) does not imply “the Tychonoff product 2 , where 2 is the discrete space 0,1, is countably compact” in ZF. This answers in the negative the following question from Keremedis, Felouzis, and Tachtsis [Bull. Polish Acad. Sci. Math. 55 (2007)]: Does the Countable Axiom of Choice for families of non-empty sets...

The effective Borel hierarchy

M. Vanden Boom (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let K be a subclass of Mod() which is closed under isomorphism. Vaught showed that K is Σ α (respectively, Π α ) in the Borel hierarchy iff K is axiomatized by an infinitary Σ α (respectively, Π α ) sentence. We prove a generalization of Vaught’s theorem for the effective Borel hierarchy, i.e. the Borel sets formed by union and complementation over c.e. sets. This result says that we can axiomatize an effective Σ α or effective Π α Borel set with a computable infinitary sentence of the same complexity....

Combinatorics of open covers (VII): Groupability

Ljubiša D. R. Kočinac, Marion Scheepers (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We use Ramseyan partition relations to characterize: ∙ the classical covering property of Hurewicz; ∙ the covering property of Gerlits and Nagy; ∙ the combinatorial cardinal numbers and add(ℳ ). Let X be a T 31 / 2 -space. In [9] we showed that C p ( X ) has countable strong fan tightness as well as the Reznichenko property if, and only if, all finite powers of X have the Gerlits-Nagy covering property. Now we show that the following are equivalent: 1. C p ( X ) has countable fan tightness and the Reznichenko...

Superstability in simple finitary AECs

Tapani Hyttinen, Meeri Kesälä (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We continue the study of finitary abstract elementary classes beyond ℵ₀-stability. We suggest a possible notion of superstability for simple finitary AECs, and derive from this notion several good properties for independence. We also study constructible models and the behaviour of Galois types and weak Lascar strong types in this context. We show that superstability is implied by a-categoricity in a suitable cardinal. As an application we prove the following theorem: Assume that ( , ) is...

On embedding models of arithmetic of cardinality ℵ₁ into reduced powers

Juliette Kennedy, Saharon Shelah (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


In the early 1970’s S. Tennenbaum proved that all countable models of PA₁¯ + ∀₁ -Th(ℕ) are embeddable into the reduced product ω / , where ℱ is the cofinite filter. In this paper we show that if M is a model of PA¯ + ∀₁ - Th(ℕ), and |M| = ℵ₁, then M is embeddable into ω / D , where D is any regular filter on ω.