Displaying similar documents to “Asymmetric tie-points and almost clopen subsets of *

Special sets of reals and weak forms of normality on Isbell--Mrówka spaces

Vinicius de Oliveira Rodrigues, Victor dos Santos Ronchim, Paul J. Szeptycki (2023)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We recall some classical results relating normality and some natural weakenings of normality in Ψ -spaces over almost disjoint families of branches in the Cantor tree to special sets of reals like Q -sets, λ -sets and σ -sets. We introduce a new class of special sets of reals which corresponds to the corresponding almost disjoint family of branches being 0 -separated. This new class fits between λ -sets and perfectly meager sets. We also discuss conditions for an almost disjoint family 𝒜 being...

Another ⋄-like principle

Michael Hrušák (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A new ⋄-like principle consistent with the negation of the Continuum Hypothesis is introduced and studied. It is shown that ¬ is consistent with CH and that in many models of = ω₁ the principle holds. As implies that there is a MAD family of size ℵ₁ this provides a partial answer to a question of J. Roitman who asked whether = ω₁ implies = ω₁. It is proved that holds in any model obtained by adding a single Laver real, answering a question of J. Brendle who asked whether = ω₁...

Induced almost continuous functions on hyperspaces

Alejandro Illanes (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


For a metric continuum X, let C(X) (resp., 2 X ) be the hyperspace of subcontinua (resp., nonempty closed subsets) of X. Let f: X → Y be an almost continuous function. Let C(f): C(X) → C(Y) and 2 f : 2 X 2 Y be the induced functions given by C ( f ) ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) and 2 f ( A ) = c l Y ( f ( A ) ) . In this paper, we prove that: • If 2 f is almost continuous, then f is continuous. • If C(f) is almost continuous and X is locally connected, then f is continuous. • If X is not locally connected, then there exists an almost continuous function f: X → [0,1]...

On some representations of almost everywhere continuous functions on m

Ewa Strońska (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


It is proved that the following conditions are equivalent: (a) f is an almost everywhere continuous function on m ; (b) f = g + h, where g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on m ; (c) f = c + gh, where c ∈ ℝ and g,h are strongly quasicontinuous on m .

Spaces with property ( D C ( ω 1 ) )

Wei-Feng Xuan, Wei-Xue Shi (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that if X is a first countable space with property ( D C ( ω 1 ) ) and with a G δ -diagonal then the cardinality of X is at most 𝔠 . We also show that if X is a first countable, DCCC, normal space then the extent of X is at most 𝔠 .

A new Lindelöf space with points G δ

Alan S. Dow (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that * implies there is a zero-dimensional Hausdorff Lindelöf space of cardinality 2 1 which has points G δ . In addition, this space has the property that it need not be Lindelöf after countably closed forcing.

The Rothberger property on C p ( Ψ ( 𝒜 ) , 2 )

Daniel Bernal-Santos (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


A space X is said to have the Rothberger property (or simply X is Rothberger) if for every sequence 𝒰 n : n ω of open covers of X , there exists U n 𝒰 n for each n ω such that X = n ω U n . For any n ω , necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for C p ( Ψ ( 𝒜 ) , 2 ) n to have the Rothberger property when 𝒜 is a Mrówka mad family and, assuming CH (the Continuum Hypothesis), we prove the existence of a maximal almost disjoint family 𝒜 for which the space C p ( Ψ ( 𝒜 ) , 2 ) n is Rothberger for all n ω .

Factorizations of normality via generalizations of β -normality

Ananga Kumar Das, Pratibha Bhat, Ria Gupta (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


The notion of β -normality was introduced and studied by Arhangel’skii, Ludwig in 2001. Recently, almost β -normal spaces, which is a simultaneous generalization of β -normal and almost normal spaces, were introduced by Das, Bhat and Tartir. We introduce a new generalization of normality, namely weak β -normality, in terms of θ -closed sets, which turns out to be a simultaneous generalization of β -normality and θ -normality. A space X is said to be weakly β -normal (w β -normal ) if for every...

On hereditary normality of ω * , Kunen points and character ω 1

Sergei Logunov (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that ω * { p } is not normal, if p is a limit point of some countable subset of ω * , consisting of points of character ω 1 . Moreover, such a point p is a Kunen point and a super Kunen point.

Functionally countable subalgebras and some properties of the Banaschewski compactification

A. R. Olfati (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let X be a zero-dimensional space and C c ( X ) be the set of all continuous real valued functions on X with countable image. In this article we denote by C c K ( X ) (resp., C c ψ ( X ) ) the set of all functions in C c ( X ) with compact (resp., pseudocompact) support. First, we observe that C c K ( X ) = O c β 0 X X (resp., C c ψ ( X ) = M c β 0 X υ 0 X ), where β 0 X is the Banaschewski compactification of X and υ 0 X is the -compactification of X . This implies that for an -compact space X , the intersection of all free maximal ideals in C c ( X ) is equal to C c K ( X ) , i.e., M c β 0 X X = C c K ( X ) . By applying...