Displaying similar documents to “On the state observation and stability for uncertain nonlinear systems”

Robust exponential stability of a class of nonlinear systems

Vojtech Veselý, Danica Rosinová (1998)



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Global robust output regulation of a class of nonlinear systems with nonlinear exosystems

Yuan Jiang, Ke Lu, Jiyang Dai (2020)



An adaptive output regulation design method is proposed for a class of output feedback systems with nonlinear exosystem and unknown parameters. A new nonlinear internal model approach is developed in the present study that successfully converts the global robust output regulation problem into a robust adaptive stabilization problem for the augmented system. Moreover, an output feedback controller is achieved based on a type of state filter which is designed for the transformed augmented...

A variable structure observer for the control of robot manipulators

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International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


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Robust Observer-based control of switched nonlinear systems with quantized and sampled output

Carlos Perez, Manuel Mera (2015)



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Global stability of linearizing control with a new robust nonlinear observer of the induction motor

Mohammed Chenafa, Abdellah Mansouri, Abderrahmane Bouhenna, Eric Etien, Abdelkader Belaidi, Mouloud Denai (2005)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper mainly deals with the design of an advanced control law with an observer for a special class of nonlinear systems. We design an observer with a gain as a function of speed. We study the solution to the output feedback torque and rotor flux-tracking problem for an induction motor model given in the natural frame. We propose a new robust nonlinear observer and prove the global stability of the interlaced controller-observer system. The control algorithm is studied through simulations...