Displaying similar documents to “On the motivic measure on the space of functions.”

Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequalities on the Real Line

Yohann de Castro (2011)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal


In a recent paper A. Cianchi, N. Fusco, F. Maggi, and A. Pratelli have shown that, in the Gauss space, a set of given measure and almost minimal Gauss boundary measure is necessarily close to be a half-space. Using only geometric tools, we extend their result to all symmetric log-concave measures on the real line. We give sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequalities and prove that among sets of given measure and given asymmetry (distance to half line, i.e. distance to sets...

On the rings of formal solutions of polynomial differential equations

Maria-Angeles Zurro (1998)

Banach Center Publications


The paper establishes the basic algebraic theory for the Gevrey rings. We prove the Hensel lemma, the Artin approximation theorem and the Weierstrass-Hironaka division theorem for them. We introduce a family of norms and we look at them as a family of analytic functions defined on some semialgebraic sets. This allows us to study the analytic and algebraic properties of this rings.

A new proof of Kelley's Theorem

S. Ng (1991)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Kelley's Theorem is a purely combinatorial characterization of measure algebras. We first apply linear programming to exhibit the duality between measures and this characterization for finite algebras. Then we give a new proof of the Theorem using methods from nonstandard analysis.