Displaying similar documents to “Positivity of operator-matrices of Hua-type.”

Condition numbers of Hessenberg companion matrices

Michael Cox, Kevin N. Vander Meulen, Adam Van Tuyl, Joseph Voskamp (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The Fiedler matrices are a large class of companion matrices that include the well-known Frobenius companion matrix. The Fiedler matrices are part of a larger class of companion matrices that can be characterized by a Hessenberg form. We demonstrate that the Hessenberg form of the Fiedler companion matrices provides a straight-forward way to compare the condition numbers of these matrices. We also show that there are other companion matrices which can provide a much smaller condition...

Factorizations for q-Pascal matrices of two variables

Thomas Ernst (2015)

Special Matrices


In this second article on q-Pascal matrices, we show how the previous factorizations by the summation matrices and the so-called q-unit matrices extend in a natural way to produce q-analogues of Pascal matrices of two variables by Z. Zhang and M. Liu as follows [...] We also find two different matrix products for [...]

Studying the various properties of MIN and MAX matrices - elementary vs. more advanced methods

Mika Mattila, Pentti Haukkanen (2016)

Special Matrices


Let T = {z1, z2, . . . , zn} be a finite multiset of real numbers, where z1 ≤ z2 ≤ · · · ≤ zn. The purpose of this article is to study the different properties of MIN and MAX matrices of the set T with min(zi , zj) and max(zi , zj) as their ij entries, respectively.We are going to do this by interpreting these matrices as so-called meet and join matrices and by applying some known results for meet and join matrices. Once the theorems are found with the aid of advanced methods, we also...

Characterization of α1 and α2-matrices

Rafael Bru, Ljiljana Cvetković, Vladimir Kostić, Francisco Pedroche (2010)

Open Mathematics


This paper deals with some properties of α1-matrices and α2-matrices which are subclasses of nonsingular H-matrices. In particular, new characterizations of these two subclasses are given, and then used for proving algebraic properties related to subdirect sums and Hadamard products.

Determinant and Inverse of Matrices of Real Elements

Nobuyuki Tamura, Yatsuka Nakamura (2007)

Formalized Mathematics


In this paper the classic theory of matrices of real elements (see e.g. [12], [13]) is developed. We prove selected equations that have been proved previously for matrices of field elements. Similarly, we introduce in this special context the determinant of a matrix, the identity and zero matrices, and the inverse matrix. The new concept discussed in the case of matrices of real numbers is the property of matrices as operators acting on finite sequences of real numbers from both sides....

Nonsingularity and P -matrices.

Jiří Rohn (1990)

Aplikace matematiky


New proofs of two previously published theorems relating nonsingularity of interval matrices to P -matrices are given.

Generalizations of Nekrasov matrices and applications

Ljiljana Cvetković, Vladimir Kostić, Maja Nedović (2015)

Open Mathematics


In this paper we present a nonsingularity result which is a generalization of Nekrasov property by using two different permutations of the index set. The main motivation comes from the following observation: matrices that are Nekrasov matrices up to the same permutations of rows and columns, are nonsingular. But, testing all the permutations of the index set for the given matrix is too expensive. So, in some cases, our new nonsingularity criterion allows us to use the results already...