Displaying similar documents to “A note on rearrangements of Fourier coefficients”

Oscillation conditions for difference equations with several variable arguments

George E. Chatzarakis, Takaŝi Kusano, Ioannis P. Stavroulakis (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica


Consider the difference equation Δ x ( n ) + i = 1 m p i ( n ) x ( τ i ( n ) ) = 0 , n 0 x ( n ) - i = 1 m p i ( n ) x ( σ i ( n ) ) = 0 , n 1 , where ( p i ( n ) ) , 1 i m are sequences of nonnegative real numbers, τ i ( n ) [ σ i ( n ) ], 1 i m are general retarded (advanced) arguments and Δ [ ] denotes the forward (backward) difference operator Δ x ( n ) = x ( n + 1 ) - x ( n ) [ x ( n ) = x ( n ) - x ( n - 1 ) ]. New oscillation criteria are established when the well-known oscillation conditions lim sup n i = 1 m j = τ ( n ) n p i ( j ) > 1 lim sup n i = 1 m j = n σ ( n ) p i ( j ) > 1 and lim inf n i = 1 m j = τ i ( n ) n - 1 p i ( j ) > 1 e lim inf n i = 1 m j = n + 1 σ i ( n ) p i ( j ) > 1 e are not satisfied. Here τ ( n ) = max 1 i m τ i ( n ) [ σ ( n ) = min 1 i m σ i ( n ) ] . The results obtained essentially improve known results in the literature. Examples illustrating the results are also given.

Maximal operators of Fejér means of double Vilenkin-Fourier series

István Blahota, György Gát, Ushangi Goginava (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The main aim of this paper is to prove that the maximal operator σ * : = s u p | σ n , n | of the Fejér means of the double Vilenkin-Fourier series is not bounded from the Hardy space H 1 / 2 to the space weak- L 1 / 2 .

A transplantation theorem for ultraspherical polynomials at critical index

J. J. Guadalupe, V. I. Kolyada (2001)

Studia Mathematica


We investigate the behaviour of Fourier coefficients with respect to the system of ultraspherical polynomials. This leads us to the study of the “boundary” Lorentz space λ corresponding to the left endpoint of the mean convergence interval. The ultraspherical coefficients c ( λ ) ( f ) of λ -functions turn out to behave like the Fourier coefficients of functions in the real Hardy space ReH¹. Namely, we prove that for any f λ the series n = 1 c ( λ ) ( f ) c o s n θ is the Fourier series of some function φ ∈ ReH¹ with | | φ | | R e H ¹ c | | f | | λ . ...

The Hausdorff operators on the real Hardy spaces H p ( )

Yuichi Kanjin (2001)

Studia Mathematica


We prove that the Hausdorff operator generated by a function ϕ is bounded on the real Hardy space H p ( ) , 0 < p ≤ 1, if the Fourier transform ϕ̂ of ϕ satisfies certain smoothness conditions. As a special case, we obtain the boundedness of the Cesàro operator of order α on H p ( ) , 2/(2α+1) < p ≤ 1. Our proof is based on the atomic decomposition and molecular characterization of H p ( ) .

Boundedness of Littlewood-Paley operators relative to non-isotropic dilations

Shuichi Sato (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We consider Littlewood-Paley functions associated with a non-isotropic dilation group on n . We prove that certain Littlewood-Paley functions defined by kernels with no regularity concerning smoothness are bounded on weighted L p spaces, 1 < p < , with weights of the Muckenhoupt class. This, in particular, generalizes a result of N. Rivière (1971).

Construction techniques for some thin sets in duals of compact abelian groups

D. J. Hajela (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier


Various techniques are presented for constructing Λ (p) sets which are not Λ ( p + ϵ ) for all ϵ &gt; 0 . The main result is that there is a Λ (4) set in the dual of any compact abelian group which is not Λ ( 4 + ϵ ) for all ϵ &gt; 0 . Along the way to proving this, new constructions are given in dual groups in which constructions were already known of Λ (p) not Λ ( p + ϵ ) sets, for certain values of p . The main new constructions in specific dual groups are: – there is a Λ (2k) set which is not Λ ( 2 k + ϵ ) in Z ( 2 ) Z ( 2 ) for all 2 k , k N and...

The weak type inequality for the Walsh system

Ushangi Goginava (2008)

Studia Mathematica


The main aim of this paper is to prove that the maximal operator σ is bounded from the Hardy space H 1 / 2 to weak- L 1 / 2 and is not bounded from H 1 / 2 to L 1 / 2 .

About a Pólya-Schiffer inequality

Bodo Dittmar, Maren Hantke (2011)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


For simply connected planar domains with the maximal conformal radius 1 it was proven in 1954 by G. Pólya and M. Schiffer that for the eigenvalues λ of the fixed membrane for any n the following inequality holds k = 1 n 1 λ k k = 1 n 1 λ k ( σ ) , where λ k ( σ ) are the eigenvalues of the unit disk. The aim of the paper is to give a sharper version of this inequality and for the sum of all reciprocals to derive formulas which allow in some cases to calculate exactly this sum.

On contractive projections in Hardy spaces

Florence Lancien, Beata Randrianantoanina, Eric Ricard (2005)

Studia Mathematica


We prove a conjecture of Wojtaszczyk that for 1 ≤ p < ∞, p ≠ 2, H p ( ) does not admit any norm one projections with dimension of the range finite and greater than 1. This implies in particular that for 1 ≤ p < ∞, p ≠ 2, H p does not admit a Schauder basis with constant one.

Hardy-Rogers-type fixed point theorems for α - G F -contractions

Muhammad Arshad, Eskandar Ameer, Aftab Hussain (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum


The aim of this paper is to introduce some new fixed point results of Hardy-Rogers-type for α - η - G F -contraction in a complete metric space. We extend the concept of F -contraction into an α - η - G F -contraction of Hardy-Rogers-type. An example has been constructed to demonstrate the novelty of our results.

On L p integrability and convergence of trigonometric series

Dansheng Yu, Ping Zhou, Songping Zhou (2007)

Studia Mathematica


We first give a necessary and sufficient condition for x - γ ϕ ( x ) L p , 1 < p < ∞, 1/p - 1 < γ < 1/p, where ϕ(x) is the sum of either k = 1 a k c o s k x or k = 1 b k s i n k x , under the condition that λₙ (where λₙ is aₙ or bₙ respectively) belongs to the class of so called Mean Value Bounded Variation Sequences (MVBVS). Then we discuss the relations among the Fourier coefficients λₙ and the sum function ϕ(x) under the condition that λₙ ∈ MVBVS, and deduce a sharp estimate for the weighted modulus of continuity of ϕ(x)...