Displaying similar documents to “Existence and asymptotic behaviour of standing waves for quasilinear Schrödinger–Poisson systems in R 3

Junction of elastic plates and beams

Antonio Gaudiello, Régis Monneau, Jacqueline Mossino, François Murat, Ali Sili (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations


We consider the linearized elasticity system in a multidomain of 𝐑 3 . This multidomain is the union of a horizontal plate with fixed cross section and small thickness , and of a vertical beam with fixed height and small cross section of radius r ε . The lateral boundary of the plate and the top of the beam are assumed to be clamped. When and r ε tend to zero simultaneously, with r ε ε 2 , we identify the limit problem. This limit problem involves six junction conditions.