Different aspects of differentiability [Book]
Differential algebraic equations of Filippov type
We will study discontinuous dynamical systems of Filippov-type. Mathematically, Filippov-type systems are defined as a set of first-order differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side. These systems arise in various applications, e.g. in control theory (so called relay feedback systems), in chemical engineering (an ideal gas--liquid system), or in biology (predator-prey models). We will show the way how to extend these models by a set of algebraic equations and then study the resulting...
Differential equations, higher monotonicity and principal pair of solutions
Differential geometry over the structure sheaf: a way to quantum physics
An idea for quantization by means of geometric observables is explained, which is a kind of the sheaf theoretical methods. First the formulation of differential geometry by using the structure sheaf is explained. The point of view to get interesting noncommutative observable algebras of geometric fields is introduced. The idea is to deform the algebra by suitable interaction structures. As an example of such structures the Poisson-structure is mentioned and this leads naturally to deformation...
Differential structures
Differential subspaces associated with pairs of ordinary differential operators
Differential transfer of learning: Effects of instruction in descriptive geometry on spatial test performance.
Difficulties in the passage from secondary to tertiary education.
Digitization of Mathematical Editions in Serbia
We describe an ongoing project carried out by the Mathematical Institute of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and the Faculty of Mathematics, Belgrade. The project concerns building of electronic resources and presentations of electronic editions of mathematical works in Serbia, including retro-digitization of old books, articles and the other mathematical works, and development of the corresponding virtual library. The resources built in the project are freely accessible through Internet.
Dimension, category and spaces
Dimension reduction for incompressible pipe and open channel flow including friction
We present the full derivation of a one-dimensional free surface pipe or open channel flow model including friction with non constant geometry. The free surface model is obtained from the three-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations under shallow water assumptions with prescribed "well-suited" boundary conditions.
Dirac operator in contact symplectic parabolic geometry
Dirac's Principle of Mathematical Beauty, Mathematics of Harmony and "Golden" Scientific Revolution
Direct limits of Hausdorff spaces
Directory of the invited mathematicians
Dirichlet's problem on a snowflake
Disconnected bounded manifolds in Euclidean spaces
Disconnections of plane continua
The paper deals with locally connected continua in the Euclidean plane. Theorem 1 asserts that there exists a simple closed curve in that separates two given points , of if there is a subset of (a point or an arc) with this property. In Theorem 2 the two points , are replaced by two closed and connected disjoint subsets , . Again – under some additional preconditions – the existence of a simple closed curve disconnecting and is stated.
Discontinuous Galerkin method for the simulation of 3D viscous compressible flows