Planteando y resolviendo problemas de Geometría con «Mathematica».
Polysystem methodology elaborated for comprehensive analysis of geographical objects considers them as interrelated systems of different types. Each systematic interpretation of a territorial object is formed as a theory describing this object with a special language used for construction of a certain type of models. This paper proposes new methods to develop geographical models and describes several types of systematic models constructed by these methods.
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] It was previously known that for every principal fibre bundle P there is some corresponding transitive Lie algebroid A(P) - a vector bundle equipped with some structure like the structure of a Lie algebra in the module of sections. The author of this article shows that the Chern-Weil homomorphism of P is a notion of the Lie algebroid of P, i.e. knowing only A(P) of P one can uniquely reproduce the ring of invariant polynomials and the Chern-Weil...