Inžinieri a matematika
In the paper under review, the author presents some results on the basis of the Nash-Gromov theory of isometric immersions and illustrates how the same results and ideas can be extended to other structures.
In 2005 Gilkey and Nikčević introduced complete -curvature homogeneous pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of neutral signature , which are -modeled on an indecomposable symmetric space, but which are not -curvature homogeneous. In this paper the authors continue their study of the same family of manifolds by examining their isometry groups and the isometry groups of their -models.
The author gives a survey of the history of isospectral manifolds that are non-isometric discussing the work of Milnor, Vignéras, Sunada, and de Turck and Gordon. She describes the construction of continuous isospectral deformations as introduced by Gordon, Wilson, De Turck et al. She also discusses the construction of isospectral plane domains due to Gordon, Webb, and Wolpert. Some new examples of isospectral non-isometric manifolds are given.
A flag manifold of a compact semisimple Lie group is defined as a quotient where is the centralizer of a one-parameter subgroup of . Then can be identified with the adjoint orbit of in the Lie algebra of . Two flag manifolds and are equivalent if there exists an automorphism such that (equivalent manifolds need not be -diffeomorphic since is not assumed to be inner). In this article, explicit formulas for decompositions of the isotropy representation for all flag manifolds...