The author describes the moduli space of Sullivan models of 2-skeletal spaces and complements of links as quotients of spaces of derivations of finitely generated free Lie algebras by the action of a subgroup of automorphisms of . For recall, a 2-skeletal space is a path connected space satisfying and . The paper contains as an application a complete description of the Lie algebras associated to the fundamental groups of complements of two-component links in terms of their Milnor numbers....
It is well-known that a based space is of the weak homotopy type of a loop space iff it is a grouplike algebra over an -operad. The classical model for such an operad consists of Stasheff’s associahedra. The present paper describes a similar recognition principle for free loop spaces. Let be an operad, a -module and a -algebra. An -trace over consists of a space and a module homomorphism over the operad homomorphism given by the algebra structure on . Let be the little 1-cubes...
Summary of the three lectures. These notes are available electronically at
Cottle’s proof that the minimal number of -simplices needed to triangulate the unit -cube equals uses a modest amount of computer generated results. In this paper we remove the need for computer aid, using some lemmas that may be useful also in a broader context. One of the -simplices involved, the so-called antipodal simplex, has acute dihedral angles. We continue with the study of such acute binary simplices and point out their possible relation to the Hadamard determinant problem.
Experience in setting up a workflow from scanned images of mathematical papers into a fully fledged mathematical library is described on the example of the project Czech Digital Mathematics Library DML-CZ. An overview of the whole process is given, with description of all main production steps. DML-CZ has recently been launched to public with more than 100,000 digitized pages.