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Ramseyan ultrafilters

Lorenz Halbeisen (2001)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate families of partitions of ω which are related to special coideals, so-called happy families, and give a dual form of Ramsey ultrafilters in terms of partitions. The combinatorial properties of these partition-ultrafilters, which we call Ramseyan ultrafilters, are similar to those of Ramsey ultrafilters. For example it will be shown that dual Mathias forcing restricted to a Ramseyan ultrafilter has the same features as Mathias forcing restricted to a Ramsey ultrafilter. Further we...

Remarks on dense subspaces

Eva Murtinová (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Some constructions of spaces with/without dense subspaces satisfying stronger separation axioms are presented.

Rothberger gaps in fragmented ideals

Jörg Brendle, Diego Alejandro Mejía (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The Rothberger number (ℐ) of a definable ideal ℐ on ω is the least cardinal κ such that there exists a Rothberger gap of type (ω,κ) in the quotient algebra (ω)/ℐ. We investigate (ℐ) for a class of F σ ideals, the fragmented ideals, and prove that for some of these ideals, like the linear growth ideal, the Rothberger number is ℵ₁, while for others, like the polynomial growth ideal, it is above the additivity of measure. We also show that it is consistent that there are infinitely many (even continuum...

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