Selectivity of almost disjoint families
Given a countable Borel equivalence relation, I introduce an invariant measuring how difficult it is to find Borel sets separating its equivalence classes. I evaluate these invariants in several standard generic extensions.
The general question of when a countably compact topological space is sequentially compact, or has a nontrivial convergent sequence, is studied from the viewpoint of basic cardinal invariants and small uncountable cardinals. It is shown that the small uncountable cardinal 𝔥 is both the least cardinality and the least net weight of a countably compact space that is not sequentially compact, and that it is also the least hereditary Lindelöf degree in most published models. Similar results, some definitive,...
We give an equivalent, but simpler formulation of the axiom SEP, which was introduced in [9] in order to capture some of the combinatorial behaviour of models of set theory obtained by adding Cohen reals to a model of CH. Our formulation shows that many of the consequences of the weak Freese-Nation property of 𝒫(ω) studied in [6] already follow from SEP. We show that it is consistent that SEP holds while 𝒫(ω) fails to have the (ℵ₁,ℵ ₀)-ideal property introduced in [2]. This answers a question...
In the present paper we introduce a convergence condition and continue the study of “not distinguish” for various kinds of convergence of sequences of real functions on a topological space started in [2] and [3]. We compute cardinal invariants associated with introduced properties of spaces.