Displaying 61 – 80 of 216

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Definizione dei clan binari e loro classificazione

Mario Servi (1998)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

L’albero binario (libero) è una struttura analoga a quella dei numeri naturali (standard), salvo che ci sono due operazioni di successivo. Nello studio degli alberi binari non standard, si ha bisogno di strutture ordinate che stiano a quella di albero binario libero come la struttura (ordinata) Z sta ad N. Si introducono perciò i clan binari e se ne studiano le classi di isomorfismo. Si dimostra che esse sono determinate dalle classi di similitudine delle successioni numerabili di 2 elementi, avendo...

Dimensional compactness in biequivalence vector spaces

J. Náter, P. Pulmann, Pavol Zlatoš (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The notion of dimensionally compact class in a biequivalence vector space is introduced. Similarly as the notion of compactness with respect to a π -equivalence reflects our nonability to grasp any infinite set under sharp distinction of its elements, the notion of dimensional compactness is related to the fact that we are not able to measure out any infinite set of independent parameters. A fairly natural Galois connection between equivalences on an infinite set s and classes of set functions s Q ...

Existence d'un contrôle optimal via l'analyse non standard.

Patricia Spinelli, Georges Solay Rakotonirayni (1991)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this article, we want to show that it is possible to give a complete theory about the existence of an optimal control, without introducing any functional space, by means of the Non Standard Analysis.

Finite Embeddability of Sets and Ultrafilters

Andreas Blass, Mauro Di Nasso (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

A set A of natural numbers is finitely embeddable in another such set B if every finite subset of A has a rightward translate that is a subset of B. This notion of finite embeddability arose in combinatorial number theory, but in this paper we study it in its own right. We also study a related notion of finite embeddability of ultrafilters on the natural numbers. Among other results, we obtain connections between finite embeddability and the algebraic and topological structure of the Stone-Čech...

Finitely-additive, countably-additive and internal probability measures

Haosui Duanmu, William Weiss (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss two ways to construct standard probability measures, called push-down measures, from internal probability measures. We show that the Wasserstein distance between an internal probability measure and its push-down measure is infinitesimal. As an application to standard probability theory, we show that every finitely-additive Borel probability measure P on a separable metric space is a limit of a sequence of countably-additive Borel probability measures { P n } n in the sense that f d P = lim n f d P n for all bounded...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 216