Permutability, Distributivity of Equivalence Relations and Direct Products
A non-empty set X of a carrier A of an algebra A is called Q-independent if the equality of two term functions f and g of the algebra A on any finite system of elements a₁,a₂,...,aₙ of X implies f(p(a₁),p(a₂),...,p(aₙ)) = g(p(a₁),p(a₂),...,p(aₙ)) for any mapping p ∈ Q. An algebra B is a retract of A if B is the image of a retraction (i.e. of an idempotent endomorphism of B). We investigate Q-independent subsets of algebras which have a retraction in their set of term functions.
In this paper we consider duplexes, which are sets with two associative binary operations. Dimonoids in the sense of Loday are examples of duplexes. The set of all permutations carries a structure of a duplex. Our main result asserts that it is a free duplex with an explicitly described set of generators. The proof uses a construction of the free duplex with one generator by planary trees.
We study groupoids satisfying the identities x·xy = y and x·yz = xy·xz. Particularly, we focus our attention at subdirectlyirreducible ones, find a description and charecterize small ones.