Rational points on algebraic varieties over a generalized real closed field: a model theoretic approach.
The space S of all non-trivial real places on a real function field K|k of trascendence degree one, endowed with a natural topology analogous to that of Dedekind and Weber's Riemann surface, is shown to be a one-dimensional k-analytic manifold, which is homeomorphic with every bounded non-singular real affine model of K|k. The ground field k is an arbitrary ordered, real-closed Cantor field (definition below). The function field K|k is thereby represented as a field of real mappings of S which might...
Let 𝓐(ℝ) and 𝓔(ℝ) denote respectively the ring of analytic and real entire functions in one variable. It is shown that if 𝔪 is a maximal ideal of 𝓐(ℝ), then 𝓐(ℝ)/𝔪 is isomorphic either to the reals or a real closed field that is an η₁-set, while if 𝔪 is a maximal ideal of 𝓔(ℝ), then 𝓔(ℝ)/𝔪 is isomorphic to one of the latter two fields or to the field of complex numbers. Moreover, we study the residue class rings of prime ideals of these rings and their Krull dimensions. Use is made of...
A real polynomial P of degree n in one real variable is hyperbolic if its roots are all real. A real-valued function P is called a hyperbolic polynomial-like function (HPLF) of degree n if it has n real zeros and P(n) vanishes nowhere. Denote by xk(i) the roots of P(i), k = 1, ..., n-i, i = 0, ..., n-1. Then in the absence of any equality of the formxi(j) = xk(i) (1)one has∀i < j xk(i) < xk(j) < xk+j-i(i) (2)(the Rolle theorem). For n ≥ 4 (resp....