Displaying 61 – 80 of 102

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On the free character of the first Koszul homology module.

Antonio García Rodicio (1991)

Extracta Mathematicae

Let (A,M,K) denote a local noetherian ring A with maximal ideal M and residue field K. Let I be an ideal of A and E the Koszul complex generated over A by a system of generators of I.The condition: H1(E) is a free A/I-module, appears in several important results of Commutative Algebra. For instance:- (Gulliksen [3, Proposition 1.4.9]): The ideal I is generated by a regular sequence if and only if I has finite projective dimension and H1(E) is a free A/I-module.- (André [2]): Assume that A is a complete...

Poincaré duality and commutative differential graded algebras

Pascal Lambrechts, Don Stanley (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We prove that every commutative differential graded algebra whose cohomology is a simply-connected Poincaré duality algebra is quasi-isomorphic to one whose underlying algebra is simply-connected and satisfies Poincaré duality in the same dimension. This has applications in rational homotopy, giving Poincaré duality at the cochain level, which is of interest in particular in the study of configuration spaces and in string topology.

Rational BV-algebra in string topology

Yves Félix, Jean-Claude Thomas (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Let M be a 1-connected closed manifold of dimension m and L M be the space of free loops on M . M.Chas and D.Sullivan defined a structure of BV-algebra on the singular homology of L M , H * ( L M ; k ) . When the ring of coefficients is a field of characteristic zero, we prove that there exists a BV-algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology H H * ( C * ( M ) ; C * ( M ) ) which extends the canonical structure of Gerstenhaber algebra. We construct then an isomorphism of BV-algebras between H H * ( C * ( M ) ; C * ( M ) ) and the shifted homology H * + m ( L M ; k ) . We also prove that the...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 102