Tate resolution and the structure of the exact local ring Mirosław Uscki (1988) Colloquium Mathematicae
Tate resolutions for commutative graded algebras over a local ring Tadeusz Józefiak (1972) Fundamenta Mathematicae
The André-Quillen homology of commutative graded algebras Tadeusz Józefiak (1976) Fundamenta Mathematicae
The category of cofinite modules for ideals of dimension one and codimension one Ken-ichiroh Kawasaki (2010) Actes des rencontres du CIRM
The first term in a minimal pure injective resolution. Edgar E. Enochs (1989) Mathematica Scandinavica
The Hilbert function of generic plane sections of curves of IP3. R. Maggioni, A. Ragusa (1988) Inventiones mathematicae
The non-vanishing of the deviations of a local ring. Stephen Halperin (1987) Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
The work of Jan-Erik Roos on the cohomology of commutative rings. Avramov, Luchezar L. (2002) Homology, Homotopy and Applications
The Zero-Dimensional Galois Cohomology of Witt Rings. A. Rosenberg, R. Ware (1970) Inventiones mathematicae