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On the Classification of Hermitian Forms. IV. Adele Rings. C.T.C. Wall (1974) Inventiones mathematicae
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Quasi-Frobenius-Algebren und lokal vollständige Durchschnitte. Günter Scheja, Uwe Storch (1976) Manuscripta mathematica
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Sommes de Gauss et structure galoisienne des anneaux d'entiers Jacques QUEYRUT (1981/1982) Seminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
Stability Theorems for Overrings of Polynomial Rings. S.M. Bhatwadekar, A. Roy (1982) Inventiones mathematicae
Sul gruppo di Picard di certi anelli di dimensione 1 Mario Raimondo (1972) Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
Sur les groupes A ( n ) Artibano Micali, J.-D. Thérond (1976) Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France
The cyclic homology and K-theory of curves. L. Reid, S. Geller, C. Weibel (1989) Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
The Grothendieck group of GL(F)×GL(G)-equivariant modules over the coordinate ring of determinantal varieties J. Weyman (1998) Colloquium Mathematicae