Základy teorie matic [Book]
Zaměnitelnost endomorfismů lineárních prostorů
Zero minors of total positive matrices.
Zero-nonzero patterns for nilpotent matrices over finite fields.
Zero-one completely positive matrices and the A(R, S) classes
A matrix of the form A = BBT where B is nonnegative is called completely positive (CP). Berman and Xu (2005) investigated a subclass of CP-matrices, called f0, 1g-completely positive matrices. We introduce a related concept and show connections between the two notions. An important relation to the so-called cut cone is established. Some results are shown for f0, 1g-completely positive matrices with given graphs, and for {0,1}-completely positive matrices constructed from the classes of (0, 1)-matrices...
Zero-one matrices with an application to abelian groups
Zeros and local extreme points of Faber polynomials associated with hypocycloidal domains.
Zeros of unilateral quaternionic polynomials.
Zero-term rank preservers of integer matrices
The zero-term rank of a matrix is the minimum number of lines (row or columns) needed to cover all the zero entries of the given matrix. We characterize the linear operators that preserve the zero-term rank of the m × n integer matrices. That is, a linear operator T preserves the zero-term rank if and only if it has the form T(A)=P(A ∘ B)Q, where P, Q are permutation matrices and A ∘ B is the Schur product with B whose entries are all nonzero integers.
Zero-term ranks of real matrices and their preservers
Zero-term rank of a matrix is the minimum number of lines (rows or columns) needed to cover all the zero entries of the given matrix. We characterize the linear operators that preserve zero-term rank of the real matrices. We also obtain combinatorial equivalent condition for the zero-term rank of a real matrix.
Zur besten normalen Approximation komplexer Matrizen in der Euklidischen Norm.
Zur Charakterisierung des Skalarprduktes.
Zur Inversmonotonie diskreter Probleme.
Zur Klassifikation von Bilinearformen und von Isometrie über Körpern.
Zur Linearität verallgemeinerter Modulisometrien
Zur Linearität verallgemeinerter Modulisometrien (Short Communication)
Zur orthogonalen Geometrie über pythagoreischen Körpern.
Zur Theorie der Determinanten.