On the Scole of a Noncommutative Jordan Algebra.
By exploiting his recent results, the author further investigates the extent to which variation in the coefficients of a unitary convex decomposition of a vector in a unital -algebra permits the vector decomposable as convex combination of fewer unitaries; certain -algebra results due to M. Rørdam have been extended to the general setting of -algebras.
We prove that a pure state on a -algebras or a JB algebra is a unique extension of some pure state on a singly generated subalgebra if and only if its left kernel has a countable approximative unit. In particular, any pure state on a separable JB algebra is uniquely determined by some singly generated subalgebra. By contrast, only normal pure states on JBW algebras are determined by singly generated subalgebras, which provides a new characterization of normal pure states. As an application we contribute...
In a JBW*-triple, i.e., a symmetric complex Banach space possessing a predual, the set of tripotents is naturally endowed with a partial order relation. This work is mainly concerned with this partial order relation when restricted to the subset 𝓡(A) of tripotents in a JBW*-triple B formed by the range tripotents of the elements of a JB*-subtriple A of B. The aim is to present recent developments obtained for the poset 𝓡(A) of the range tripotents relative to A, whilst also providing the necessary...
Let A and B be two unitary Banach algebras. We study linear mappings from A into B which preserve the polynomially convex hull of the spectrum. In particular, we give conditions under which such surjective linear mappings are Jordan morphisms.
We show that any sequence of mutually orthogonal pure states on a JB algebra A such that forms an almost discrete sequence in the relative topology induced by the primitive ideal space of A admits a sequence consisting of positive, norm one, elements of A with pairwise orthogonal supports which is supporting for in the sense of for all n. Moreover, if A is separable then can be taken such that is uniquely determined by the biorthogonality condition . Consequences of this result improving...
We obtain conditions on a JB*-algebra X so that the canonical embedding of X into its associated quasi-invertible manifold has dense range. We prove that if a JB* has this density property then the quasi-invertible manifold is homogeneous for biholomorphic mappings. Explicit formulae for the biholomorphic mappings are also given.
Any bounded sequence in an L¹-space admits a subsequence which can be written as the sum of a sequence of pairwise disjoint elements and a sequence which forms a uniformly integrable or equiintegrable (equivalently, a relatively weakly compact) set. This is known as the Kadec-Pełczyński-Rosenthal subsequence splitting lemma and has been generalized to preduals of von Neuman algebras and of JBW*-algebras. In this note we generalize it to JBW*-triple preduals.