Octave recurrence relations
It is well known that for the ring H(ℤ) of integral quaternions the unit group U(H(ℤ) is finite. On the other hand, for the rational quaternion algebra H(ℚ), its unit group is infinite and even contains a nontrivial free subgroup. In this note (see Theorem 1.5 and Corollary 2.6) we find all intermediate rings ℤ ⊂ A ⊆ ℚ such that the group of units U(H(A)) of quaternions over A contains a nontrivial free subgroup. In each case we indicate such a subgroup explicitly. We do our best to keep the arguments...
Let A ⊆ ℚ be any subring. We extend our earlier results on unit groups of the standard quaternion algebra H(A) to units of certain rings of generalized quaternions H(A,a,b) = ((-a,-b)/A), where a,b ∈ A. Next we show that there is an algebra embedding of the ring H(A,a,b) into the algebra of standard Cayley numbers over A. Using this embedding we answer a question asked in the first part of this paper.