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𝒯 0 - and 𝒯 1 -reflections

Maria Manuel Clementino (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In an abstract category with suitable notions of subobject, closure and point, we discuss the separation axioms T 0 and T 1 . Each of the arising subcategories is reflective. We give an iterative construction of the reflectors and present characteristic examples.

Łukasiewicz tribes are absolutely sequentially closed bold algebras

Roman Frič (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show that each sequentially continuous (with respect to the pointwise convergence) normed measure on a bold algebra of fuzzy sets (Archimedean M V -algebra) can be uniquely extended to a sequentially continuous measure on the generated Łukasiewicz tribe and, in a natural way, the extension is maximal. We prove that for normed measures on Łukasiewicz tribes monotone (sequential) continuity implies sequential continuity, hence the assumption of sequential continuity is not restrictive. This yields...

μ -bicomplete categories and parity games

Luigi Santocanale (2002)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

For an arbitrary category, we consider the least class of functors containing the projections and closed under finite products, finite coproducts, parameterized initial algebras and parameterized final coalgebras, i.e. the class of functors that are definable by μ -terms. We call the category μ -bicomplete if every μ -term defines a functor. We provide concrete examples of such categories and explicitly characterize this class of functors for the category of sets and functions. This goal is achieved...

μ-Bicomplete Categories and Parity Games

Luigi Santocanale (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

For an arbitrary category, we consider the least class of functors containing the projections and closed under finite products, finite coproducts, parameterized initial algebras and parameterized final coalgebras, i.e. the class of functors that are definable by μ-terms. We call the category μ-bicomplete if every μ-term defines a functor. We provide concrete examples of such categories and explicitly characterize this class of functors for the category of sets and functions. This goal is achieved...

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