Coequalizers in the generalized algebraic categories
Among cocomplete categories, the locally presentable ones can be defined as those with a strong generator consisting of presentable objects. Assuming Vopěnka’s Principle, we prove that a cocomplete category is locally presentable if and only if it has a colimit dense subcategory and a generator consisting of presentable objects. We further show that a -element set is colimit-dense in , and spaces of countable dimension are colimit-dense in .
In this paper we study big convexity theories, that is convexity theories that are not necessarily bounded. As in the bounded case (see [4]) such a convexity theory Γ gives rise to the category ΓC of (left) Γ-convex modules. This is an equationally presentable category, and we prove that it is indeed an algebraic category over Set. We also introduce the category ΓAlg of Γ-convex algebras and show that the category Frm of frames is isomorphic to the category of associative, commutative, idempotent...