Existence de diagrammes localement libres II
We define varieties of algebras for an arbitrary endofunctor on a cocomplete category using pairs of natural transformations. This approach is proved to be equivalent to one of equational classes defined by equation arrows. Free algebras in the varieties are investigated and their existence is proved under the assumptions of accessibility.
It is well known that, given an endofunctor on a category , the initial -algebras (if existing), i.e., the algebras of (wellfounded) -terms over different variable supplies , give rise to a monad with substitution as the extension operation (the free monad induced by the functor ). Moss [17] and Aczel, Adámek, Milius and Velebil [2] have shown that a similar monad, which even enjoys the additional special property of having iterations for all guarded substitution rules (complete iterativeness),...