A cartesian closed extension of a category of affine schemes
We introduce adhesive categories, which are categories with structure ensuring that pushouts along monomorphisms are well-behaved, as well as quasiadhesive categories which restrict attention to regular monomorphisms. Many examples of graphical structures used in computer science are shown to be examples of adhesive and quasiadhesive categories. Double-pushout graph rewriting generalizes well to rewriting on arbitrary adhesive and quasiadhesive categories.
We introduce adhesive categories, which are categories with structure ensuring that pushouts along monomorphisms are well-behaved, as well as quasiadhesive categories which restrict attention to regular monomorphisms. Many examples of graphical structures used in computer science are shown to be examples of adhesive and quasiadhesive categories. Double-pushout graph rewriting generalizes well to rewriting on arbitrary adhesive and quasiadhesive categories.
The categorical concept of a theory for algebras of a given type was foundet by Lawvere in 1963 (see [8]). Hoehnke extended this concept to partial heterogenous algebras in 1976 (see [5]). A partial theory is a dhts-category such that the object class forms a free algebra of type (2,0,0) freely generated by a nonempty set J in the variety determined by the identities ox ≈ o and xo ≈ o, where o and i are the elements selected by the 0-ary operation symbols. If the object class of a dhts-category...
It is well-known that the composition of two functors between categories yields a functor again, whenever it exists. The same is true for functors which preserve in a certain sense the structure of symmetric monoidal categories. Considering small symmetric monoidal categories with an additional structure as objects and the structure preserving functors between them as morphisms one obtains different kinds of functor categories, which are even dt-symmetric categories.
Cet article fait suite à trois mémoires parus dans les Annales de l’Institut Fourier (tomes 10, 13 et 14). Son but est d’étendre aux catégories ordonnées les résultats sur les atlas et sur la complétion, précédemment obtenus dans le cas des groupoïdes sous-préinductifs et prélocaux.Soit une catégorie ordonnée régulière dont le groupoïde des éléments inversibles est ordonné semi-régulier. On associe à les catégories -structurées régulières des fusées régulières et des fusées strictes régulières,...