Displaying 141 – 160 of 457

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Finite closed coverings of compact quantum spaces

Piotr M. Hajac, Atabey Kaygun, Bartosz Zieliński (2012)

Banach Center Publications

We consider the poset of all non-empty finite subsets of the set of natural numbers, use the poset structure to topologise it with the Alexandrov topology, and call the thus obtained topological space the universal partition space. Then we show that it is a classifying space for finite closed coverings of compact quantum spaces in the sense that any such a covering is functorially equivalent to a sheaf over this partition space. In technical terms, we prove that the category of finitely supported...

Fundamental pro-groupoids and covering projections

Luis Hernández-Paricio (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We introduce a new notion of covering projection E → X of a topological space X which reduces to the usual notion if X is locally connected. We use locally constant presheaves and covering reduced sieves to find a pro-groupoid π crs (X) and an induced category pro (π crs (X), Sets) such that for any topological space X the category of covering projections and transformations of X is equivalent to the category pro (π crs (X), Sets). We also prove that the latter category is equivalent to pro (π CX,...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 457