On Mackey topologies in topological abelian groups.
It is proved that every uncountable -bounded group and every homogeneous space containing a convergent sequence are resolvable. We find some conditions for a topological group topology to be irresolvable and maximal.
We introduce a notion of a Schwartz group, which turns out to be coherent with the well known concept of a Schwartz topological vector space. We establish several basic properties of Schwartz groups and show that free topological Abelian groups, as well as free locally convex spaces, over hemicompact k-spaces are Schwartz groups. We also prove that every hemicompact k-space topological group, in particular the Pontryagin dual of a metrizable topological group, is a Schwartz group.
We characterize those uniform spaces and commutative topological groups the bounded subsets of which can be recognized by using only one uniformly continuous pseudometric.
The main purpose of this paper is to show that any localic group is complete in its two-sided uniformity, settling a problem open since work began in this area a decade ago. In addition, a number of other results are established, providing in particular a new functor from topological to localic groups and an alternative characterization of -groups.
We prove that every locally quasi-convex Schwartz group satisfies the Glicksberg theorem for weakly compact sets.