Displaying 161 – 180 of 198

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Strict topologies as topological algebras

Surjit Singh Khurana (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff space, C b ( X ) the space of all scalar-valued bounded continuous functions on X with strict topologies. We prove that these are locally convex topological algebras with jointly continuous multiplication. Also we find the necessary and sufficient conditions for these algebras to be locally m -convex.

Strong Fubini axioms from measure extension axioms

Piotr Zakrzewski (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is shown that measure extension axioms imply various forms of the Fubini theorem for nonmeasurable sets and functions in Radon measure spaces.

Structure of measures on topological spaces.

José L. de María, Baltasar Rodríguez Salinas (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

The Radon spaces of type (T), i.e., topological spaces for which every finite Borel measure on Omega is T-additive and T-regular are characterized. The class of these spaces is very wide and in particular it contains the Radon spaces. We extend the results of Marczewski an Sikorski to the sygma-metrizable spaces and to the subsets of the Banach spaces endowed with the weak topology. Finally, the completely additive families of measurable subsets related with the works of Hansell, Koumoullis, and...

The Ascoli property for function spaces and the weak topology of Banach and Fréchet spaces

S. Gabriyelyan, J. Kąkol, G. Plebanek (2016)

Studia Mathematica

Following Banakh and Gabriyelyan (2016) we say that a Tychonoff space X is an Ascoli space if every compact subset of C k ( X ) is evenly continuous; this notion is closely related to the classical Ascoli theorem. Every k -space, hence any k-space, is Ascoli. Let X be a metrizable space. We prove that the space C k ( X ) is Ascoli iff C k ( X ) is a k -space iff X is locally compact. Moreover, C k ( X ) endowed with the weak topology is Ascoli iff X is countable and discrete. Using some basic concepts from probability theory and...

The homology of spaces of simple topological measures

Ø. Johansen, A. B. Rustad (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The simple topological measures X* on a q-space X are shown to be a superextension of X. Properties inherited from superextensions to topological measures are presented. The homology groups of various subsets of X* are calculated. For a q-space X, X* is shown to be a q-space. The homology of X* when X is the annulus is calculated. The homology of X* when X is a more general genus one space is investigated. In particular, X* for the torus is shown to have a retract homeomorphic to an infinite product...

The (sub/super)additivity assertion of Choquet

Heinz König (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The assertion in question comes from the short final section in Theory of capacities of Choquet (1953/54), in connection with his prototype of the subsequent Choquet integral. The problem was whether and when this operation is additive. Choquet had the much more abstract idea that all functionals in a certain wide class must be subadditive, and similarly for superadditivity. His treatment of this point was more like an outline, and his proof limited to a rather narrow special case. Thus the proper...

The uniqueness of Haar measure and set theory

Piotr Zakrzewski (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be a group of homeomorphisms of a nondiscrete, locally compact, σ-compact topological space X and suppose that a Haar measure on X exists: a regular Borel measure μ, positive on nonempty open sets, finite on compact sets and invariant under the homeomorphisms from G. Under some mild assumptions on G and X we prove that the measure completion of μ is the unique, up to a constant factor, nonzero, σ-finite, G-invariant measure defined on its domain iff μ is ergodic and the G-orbits of all points...

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 198