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An extension theorem for modular measures on effect algebras

Giuseppina Barbieri (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove an extension theorem for modular measures on lattice ordered effect algebras. This is used to obtain a representation of these measures by the classical ones. With the aid of this theorem we transfer control theorems, Vitali-Hahn-Saks, Nikodým theorems and range theorems to this setting.

Approximations of lattice-valued possibilistic measures

Ivan Kramosil (2005)


Lattice-valued possibilistic measures, conceived and developed in more detail by G. De Cooman in 1997 [2], enabled to apply the main ideas on which the real-valued possibilistic measures are founded also to the situations often occurring in the real world around, when the degrees of possibility, ascribed to various events charged by uncertainty, are comparable only quantitatively by the relations like “greater than” or “not smaller than”, including the particular cases when such degrees are not...

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