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Uniformly convex functions II

Wancang Ma, David Minda (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Recently, A. W. Goodman introduced the class UCV of normalized uniformly convex functions. We present some sharp coefficient bounds for functions f(z) = z + a₂z² + a₃z³ + ... ∈ UCV and their inverses f - 1 ( w ) = w + d w ² + d w ³ + . . . . The series expansion for f - 1 ( w ) converges when | w | < ϱ f , where 0 < ϱ f depends on f. The sharp bounds on | a n | and all extremal functions were known for n = 2 and 3; the extremal functions consist of a certain function k ∈ UCV and its rotations. We obtain the sharp bounds on | a n | and all extremal functions for n = 4, 5,...

Univalent functions with logarithmic restrictions

A. Z. Grinshpan (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

It is known that univalence property of regular functions is better understood in terms of some restrictions of logarithmic type. Such restrictions are connected with natural stratifications of the studied classes of univalent functions. The stratification of the basic class S of functions regular and univalent in the unit disk by the Grunsky operator norm as well as the more general one of the class 𝔐 * of pairs of univalent functions without common values by the τ-norm (this concept is introduced...

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