Über die quasikonforme Fortsetzung schlichter Funktionen.
It is known that univalence property of regular functions is better understood in terms of some restrictions of logarithmic type. Such restrictions are connected with natural stratifications of the studied classes of univalent functions. The stratification of the basic class S of functions regular and univalent in the unit disk by the Grunsky operator norm as well as the more general one of the class 𝔐 * of pairs of univalent functions without common values by the τ-norm (this concept is introduced...
This paper is part of a larger project initiated with [2]. The final aim of the present paper is to give bounds for the homogenized (or effective) conductivity in two dimensional linear conductivity. The main focus is therefore the periodic setting. We prove new variational principles that are shown to be of interest in finding bounds on the homogenized conductivity. Our results unify previous approaches by the second author and make transparent the central role of quasiconformal mappings in all...
This paper is part of a larger project initiated with [2]. The final aim of the present paper is to give bounds for the homogenized (or effective) conductivity in two dimensional linear conductivity. The main focus is therefore the periodic setting. We prove new variational principles that are shown to be of interest in finding bounds on the homogenized conductivity. Our results unify previous approaches by the second author and make transparent the central role of quasiconformal mappings in all...
We obtain improved regularity of homeomorphic solutions of the reduced Beltrami equation, as compared to the standard Beltrami equation. Such an improvement is not possible in terms of Hölder or Sobolev regularity; instead, our results concern the generalized variation of restrictions to lines. Specifically, we prove that the restriction to any line segment has finite p-variation for all p > 1 but not necessarily for p = 1.
Let Ω be a planar Jordan domain and α > 0. We consider double-dome-like surfaces Σ(Ω, tα) over Ω where the height of the surface over any point x ∈ Ωequals dist(x, ∂Ω)α. We identify the necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of and α so that these surfaces are quasisymmetric to S2 and we show that Σ(Ω, tα) is quasisymmetric to the unit sphere S2 if and only if it is linearly locally connected and Ahlfors 2-regular.