Sectorial oscillation of linear differential equations and iterated order.
The paper discusses development of the theory of value distribution and growth of meromorphic functions, focusing on two basic notions: exceptional values and asymptotic values. Some historical context is given and contemporary achievements are presented. In particular, recent results concerning exceptional functions and asymptotic functions are considered.
The main purpose of this paper is to consider the analytic solutions of the non-homogeneous linear differential equation , where all coefficients , F ≢ 0 are analytic functions in the unit disc = z∈ℂ: |z|<1. We obtain some results classifying the growth of finite iterated order solutions in terms of the coefficients with finite iterated type. The convergence exponents of zeros and fixed points of solutions are also investigated.
In this work, we are implementing some applications of Nevanlinna theory to entire functions that share a small function with two difference operators and we also generalize one of the results in the paper [3].
This paper concerns the uniqueness of meromorphic functions and shows that there exists a set S ⊂ ℂ of eight elements such that any two nonconstant meromorphic functions f and g in the open complex plane ℂ satisfying and Ē(∞,f) = Ē(∞,g) are identical, which improves a result of H. X. Yi. Also, some other related results are obtained, which generalize the results of G. Frank, E. Mues, M. Reinders, C. C. Yang, H. X. Yi, P. Li, M. L. Fang and H. Guo, and others.
Combining difference and q-difference equations, we study the properties of meromorphic solutions of q-shift difference equations from the point of view of value distribution. We obtain lower bounds for the Nevanlinna lower order for meromorphic solutions of such equations. Our results improve and extend previous theorems by Zheng and Chen and by Liu and Qi. Some examples are also given to illustrate our results.
The aim of this paper paper is to study the comparative growth properties of the composition of entire and meromorphic functions and wronskians generated by them improving some earlier results.
This paper is devoted to considering the complex oscillation of differential polynomials generated by meromorphic solutions of the differential equation where