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Removable singularities for weighted Bergman spaces

Anders Björn (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We develop a theory of removable singularities for the weighted Bergman space 𝒜 μ p ( Ω ) = { f analytic in Ω Ω | f | p d μ < } , where μ is a Radon measure on . The set A is weakly removable for 𝒜 μ p ( Ω A ) if 𝒜 μ p ( Ω A ) Hol ( Ω ) , and strongly removable for 𝒜 μ p ( Ω A ) if 𝒜 μ p ( Ω A ) = 𝒜 μ p ( Ω ) . The general theory developed is in many ways similar to the theory of removable singularities for Hardy H p spaces, B M O and locally Lipschitz spaces of analytic functions, including the existence of counterexamples to many plausible properties, e.g. the union of two compact removable singularities needs not be removable....

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