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Positive solutions to a singular fourth-order two-point boundary value problem

Qingliu Yao (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This paper studies the existence of multiple positive solutions to a nonlinear fourth-order two-point boundary value problem, where the nonlinear term may be singular with respect to both time and space variables. In order to estimate the growth of the nonlinear term, we introduce new control functions. By applying the Hammerstein integral equation and the Guo-Krasnosel'skii fixed point theorem of cone expansion-compression type, several local existence theorems are proved.

Properties of the set of positive solutions to Dirichlet boundary value problems with time singularities

Irena Rachůnková, Svatoslav Staněk (2013)

Open Mathematics

The paper investigates the structure and properties of the set S of all positive solutions to the singular Dirichlet boundary value problem u″(t) + au′(t)/t − au(t)/t 2 = f(t, u(t),u′(t)), u(0) = 0, u(T) = 0. Here a ∈ (−∞,−1) and f satisfies the local Carathéodory conditions on [0,T]×D, where D = [0,∞)×ℝ. It is shown that S c = {u ∈ S: u′(T) = −c} is nonempty and compact for each c ≥ 0 and S = ∪c≥0 S c. The uniqueness of the problem is discussed. Having a special case of the problem, we introduce...

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