ELB holomorphic factorization over projective limit representations
Let X be an infinite-dimensional complex Banach space. Very recently, several results on the existence of entire functions on X bounded on a given ball B₁ ⊂ X and unbounded on another given ball B₂ ⊂ X have been obtained. In this paper we consider the problem of finding entire functions which are uniformly bounded on a collection of balls and unbounded on the balls of some other collection.
We show that every separable complex L₁-predual space X is contractively complemented in the CAR-algebra. As an application we deduce that the open unit ball of X is a bounded homogeneous symmetric domain.
We prove that extendible 2-homogeneous polynomials on spaces with cotype 2 are integral. This allows us to find examples of approximable non-extendible polynomials on (1 ≤ p < ∞ ) of any degree. We also exhibit non-nuclear extendible polynomials for 4 < p < ∞. We study the extendibility of analytic functions on Banach spaces and show the existence of functions of infinite radius of convergence whose coefficients are finite type polynomials but which fail to be extendible.
Studying the sequential completeness of the space of germs of Banach-valued holomorphic functions at a points of a metric vector space some theorems on extension of holomorphic maps on Riemann domains over topological vector spaces with values in some locally convex analytic spaces are proved. Moreover, the extendability of holomorphic maps with values in complete C-spaces to the envelope of holomorphy for the class of bounded holomorphic functions is also established. These results are known in...