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On the Lebesgue decomposition of the normal states of a JBW-algebra

Jacques Dubois, Brahim Hadjou (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this article, a theorem is proved asserting that any linear functional defined on a JBW-algebra admits a Lebesque decomposition with respect to any normal state defined on the algebra. Then we show that the positivity (and the unicity) of this decomposition is insured for the trace states defined on the algebra. In fact, this property can be used to give a new characterization of the trace states amoungst all the normal states.

On unitary convex decompositions of vectors in a J B * -algebra

Akhlaq A. Siddiqui (2013)

Archivum Mathematicum

By exploiting his recent results, the author further investigates the extent to which variation in the coefficients of a unitary convex decomposition of a vector in a unital J B * -algebra permits the vector decomposable as convex combination of fewer unitaries; certain C * -algebra results due to M. Rørdam have been extended to the general setting of J B * -algebras.

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