A Class of C*-algebras and Topological Markov Chains II: Reducible Chains and the Ext-functor for C*-algebras.
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Inventiones mathematicae
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Annales Polonici Mathematici
Let H²(bΩ) be the Hardy space of a bounded weakly pseudoconvex domain in . The natural resolution of this space, provided by the tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex, is used to show that H²(bΩ) has the important localization property known as Bishop’s property (β). The paper is accompanied by some applications, previously known only for Bergman spaces.
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We define a Banach algebra 𝔄 to be dual if 𝔄 = (𝔄⁎)* for a closed submodule 𝔄⁎ of 𝔄*. The class of dual Banach algebras includes all W*-algebras, but also all algebras M(G) for locally compact groups G, all algebras ℒ(E) for reflexive Banach spaces E, as well as all biduals of Arens regular Banach algebras. The general impression is that amenable, dual Banach algebras are rather the exception than the rule. We confirm this impression. We first show that under certain conditions an amenable...
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We derive a formula for the index of Fredholm chains on normed spaces.
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Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces
We apply Gromov’s ham sandwich method to get: (1) domain monotonicity (up to a multiplicative constant factor); (2) reverse domain monotonicity (up to a multiplicative constant factor); and (3) universal inequalities for Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplacian on bounded convex domains in Euclidean space.
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Inventiones mathematicae
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Inventiones mathematicae
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