Section and Projection Means of Convex Bodies.
Acute triangles are defined by having all angles less than , and are characterized as the triangles containing their circumcenter in the interior. For simplices of dimension , acuteness is defined by demanding that all dihedral angles between -dimensional faces are smaller than . However, there are, in a practical sense, too few acute simplices in general. This is unfortunate, since the acuteness property provides good qualitative features for finite element methods. The property of acuteness...
The paper presents a short survey of stereological problems concerning dihedral angles, their solutions and applications, and introduces a graph for determining the distribution functions of planar angles under the hypothesis that dihedral angles in are of the same size and create a random field.
Precipitates modelled by rotary symmetrical lens-shaped discs are situated on matrix grain boundaries and the homogeneous specimen is intersected by a plate section. The stereological model presented enables one to express all basic parameters of spatial structure and moments of the corresponding probability distributions of quantitative characteristics of precipitates in terms of planar structure parameters the values of which can be estimated from measurements carried out in the plane section....