Mathematical morphology and poset geometry.
We introduce the notion of a matroid over a commutative ring , assigning to every subset of the ground set an -module according to some axioms. When is a field, we recover matroids. When , and when is a DVR, we get (structures which contain all the data of) quasi-arithmetic matroids, and valuated matroids, i.e. tropical linear spaces, respectively. More generally, whenever is a Dedekind domain, we extend all the usual properties and operations holding for matroids (e.g., duality), and...
We prove that the complement of a toric arrangement has the homotopy type of a minimal CW-complex. As a corollary we deduce that the integer cohomology of these spaces is torsionfree. We apply discrete Morse theory to the toric Salvetti complex, providing a sequence of cellular collapses that leads to a minimal complex.