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Matroids over a ring

Alex Fink, Luca Moci (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We introduce the notion of a matroid M over a commutative ring R , assigning to every subset of the ground set an R -module according to some axioms. When R is a field, we recover matroids. When R = , and when R is a DVR, we get (structures which contain all the data of) quasi-arithmetic matroids, and valuated matroids, i.e. tropical linear spaces, respectively. More generally, whenever R is a Dedekind domain, we extend all the usual properties and operations holding for matroids (e.g., duality), and...

Minimality of toric arrangements

Giacomo d'Antonio, Emanuele Delucchi (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that the complement of a toric arrangement has the homotopy type of a minimal CW-complex. As a corollary we deduce that the integer cohomology of these spaces is torsionfree. We apply discrete Morse theory to the toric Salvetti complex, providing a sequence of cellular collapses that leads to a minimal complex.

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