Caractéristique d'Euler-Poincaré
In this paper we show that a separable space cannot include closed discrete subsets which have the cardinality of the continuum and satisfy relative versions of any of the following topological properties: normality, countable paracompactness and property . It follows that it is consistent that closed discrete subsets of a separable space which are also relatively normal (relatively countably paracompact, relatively ) in are necessarily countable. There are, however, consistent examples of...
In some sense, a dual property to that of Valdivia compact is considered, namely the property to be embedded as a closed subspace into a complement of a -subproduct of a Tikhonov cube. All locally compact spaces are co-Valdivia spaces (and only those among metrizable spaces or spaces having countable type). There are paracompact non-locally compact co-Valdivia spaces. A possibly new type of ultrafilters lying in between P-ultrafilters and weak P-ultrafilters is introduced. Under Martin axiom and...
We investigate the role that weak forms of the axiom of choice play in countable Tychonoff products, as well as countable disjoint unions, of Loeb and selective metric spaces.