A Priestley view of spatialization of frames
As shown by Telgársky and Scheepers, winning strategies in the Menger game characterize -compactness amongst metrizable spaces. This is improved by showing that winning Markov strategies in the Menger game characterize -compactness amongst regular spaces, and that winning strategies may be improved to winning Markov strategies in second-countable spaces. An investigation of 2-Markov strategies introduces a new topological property between -compact and Menger spaces.
Under some very strong set-theoretic hypotheses, hereditarily normal spaces (also referred to as T₅ spaces) that are locally compact and hereditarily collectionwise Hausdorff can have a highly simplified structure. This paper gives a structure theorem (Theorem 1) that applies to all such ω₁-compact spaces and another (Theorem 4) to all such spaces of Lindelöf number ≤ ℵ₁. It also introduces an axiom (Axiom F) on crowding of functions, with consequences (Theorem 3) for the crowding of countably compact...