Displaying 101 – 120 of 173

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Common fixed points of Greguš type multi-valued mappings

R. A. Rashwan, Magdy A. Ahmed (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

This work is considered as a continuation of [19,20,24]. The concepts of δ -compatibility and sub-compatibility of Li-Shan [19, 20] between a set-valued mapping and a single-valued mapping are used to establish some common fixed point theorems of Greguš type under a φ -type contraction on convex metric spaces. Extensions of known results, especially theorems by Fisher and Sessa [11] (Theorem B below) and Jungck [16] are thereby obtained. An example is given to support our extension.

Commuting contractive families

Luka Milićević (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A family f₁,..., fₙ of operators on a complete metric space X is called contractive if there exists a positive λ < 1 such that for any x,y in X we have d ( f i ( x ) , f i ( y ) ) λ d ( x , y ) for some i. Austin conjectured that any commuting contractive family of operators has a common fixed point, and he proved this for the case of two operators. We show that Austin’s conjecture is true for three operators, provided that λ is sufficiently small.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 173