Hellinger integrals, contiguity and entire separation
We construct a new class of data driven tests for uniformity, which have greater average power than existing ones for finite samples. Using a simulation study, we show that these tests as well as some "optimal maximum test" attain an average power close to the optimal Bayes test. Finally, we prove that, in the middle range of the power function, the loss in average power of the "optimal maximum test" with respect to the Neyman-Pearson tests, constructed separately for each alternative, in the Gaussian...
En el contexto de información e incertidumbre generalizada, establecido por J. Kampé de Fériet y B. Forte, se axiomatizan las medidas de incertidumbre e información condicionada y se determinan tales medidas bajo la hipótesis de total componibilidad de las mismas.
En el presente artículo se utiliza el método de maximización de la información desconocida para deducir las distribuciones inicial y final de referencia cuando se trata de hacer inferencias sobre el coeficiente de correlación de una población normal bivariante.
A random process (field) with given parametrized mean and covariance function is observed at a finite number of chosen design points. The information about its parameters is measured via the Fisher information matrix (for normally distributed observations) or using information functionals depending on that matrix. Conditions are stated, under which the contribution of one design point to this information is zero. Explicit expressions are obtained for the amount of information coming from a selected...
The Fisher information matrices are derived for three of the most popular elliptically symmetric distributions: the Pearson type II, Pearson type VII and the Kotz type distributions. We hope the results could be important to the many researchers working in this area.
The structures of the fuzzy information theory are focused on the concept of fuzzy entropy, where the individual information of symbols is considered only implicitely. This paper aims to fill this gap and to study the concepts of fuzzy information. Special attention is paid to the typical fuzzy set theoretical paradigma of monotonicity of operations.
The exact range of the joined values of several Rényi entropies is determined. The method is based on topology with special emphasis on the orientation of the objects studied. Like in the case when only two orders of the Rényi entropies are studied, one can parametrize the boundary of the range. An explicit formula for a tight upper or lower bound for one order of entropy in terms of another order of entropy cannot be given.
En este trabajo se establece un criterio de comparación entre sistemas de información difusa basado en la maximización de la energía informacional esperada de orden α y tipo β y se comprueba que verifica las propiedades más relevantes que a nuestro juicio debe verificar un criterio de comparación.
En esta comunicación se establece una medida de la entropía contenida en un proceso puntual mediante el concepto de entropía de orden α y tipo β introducida por Sharma and Mittal (1975); quedando, de este modo, generalizada la entropía de McFadden. Una vez que se estudian las propiedades relativas a la tasa de cambio de la Entropía, se demuestra que el proceso de Poisson es el de Entropía máxima dentro de la clase de los procesos puntuales estacionarios.