Sur l'information associée aux différents tableaux binaires issus d'un tableau ternaire
This paper highlights advantageous properties of the Bhattacharyya metric over the chi-squared statistic for comparing frequency distributed data. The original interpretation of the Bhattacharyya metric as a geometric similarity measure is reviewed and it is pointed out that this derivation is independent of the use of the Bhattacharyya measure as an upper bound on the probability of misclassification in a two-class problem. The affinity between the Bhattacharyya and Matusita measures is described...
Le stéréogramme de liaison est une représentation graphique simultanée de la distribution conjointe de deux variables ordonnées, de leurs distributions marginales, et de la densité de la première par rapport au produit des deux autres. On y lit une forme de liaison statistique qui est introduite sous le nom de liaison blackienne et dont on discute les rapports avec la liaison stochastique.
We compare alternative definitions of undirected graphical models for discrete, finite variables. Lauritzen [7] provides several definitions of such models and describes their relationships. He shows that the definitions agree only when joint distributions represented by the models are limited to strictly positive distributions. Heckerman et al. [6], in their paper on dependency networks, describe another definition of undirected graphical models for strictly positive distributions. They show that...