O stochastické aproximaci
Let be observable, with experimental errors, at integer points only; unknown elsewhere. Iterative nonparametric procedures for finding the zero point of are called procedures of integer stochastic approximation. Three types of such procedures (Derman’s, Mukerjee’s and the authors’) are described and compared. A two-dimensional analogue of the third approach is proposed and investigated; its generalization to higher dimensions is conjectured.
We study the almost sure asymptotic behaviour of stochastic approximation algorithms for the search of zero of a real function. The quadratic strong law of large numbers is extended to the powers greater than one. In other words, the convergence of moments in the almost sure central limit theorem (ASCLT) is established. As a by-product of this convergence, one gets another proof of ASCLT for stochastic approximation algorithms. The convergence result is applied to several examples as estimation...
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62G07, 62L20.Tsybakov [31] introduced the method of stochastic approximation to construct a recursive estimator of the location q of the mode of a probability density. The aim of this paper is to provide a companion algorithm to Tsybakov's algorithm, which allows to simultaneously recursively approximate the size m of the mode. We provide a precise study of the joint weak convergence rate of both estimators. Moreover, we introduce the averaging principle...