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On cumulative process model and its statistical analysis

Petr Volf (2000)


The notion of the counting process is recalled and the idea of the ‘cumulative’ process is presented. While the counting process describes the sequence of events, by the cumulative process we understand a stochastic process which cumulates random increments at random moments. It is described by an intensity of the random (counting) process of these moments and by a distribution of increments. We derive the martingale – compensator decomposition of the process and then we study the estimator of the...

On multiple periodic autoregression

Jiří Anděl (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

The model of periodic autoregression is generalized to the multivariate case. The autoregressive matrices are periodic functions of time. The mean value of the process can be a non-vanishing periodic sequence of vectors. Estimators of parameters and tests of statistical hypotheses are based on the Bayes approach. Two main versions of the model are investigated, one with constant variance matrices and the other with periodic variance matrices of the innovation process.

Optimal sequential multiple hypothesis tests

Andrey Novikov (2009)


This work deals with a general problem of testing multiple hypotheses about the distribution of a discrete-time stochastic process. Both the Bayesian and the conditional settings are considered. The structure of optimal sequential tests is characterized.

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